
When you become a nonprofit member of Volunteer Fairfax, you become part of a community working together to make Northern Virginia a better place to live, work, and play, for all. You’ll have access to benefits such as unlimited postings on VolunteerNow , our volunteer management system with more than 3,000 active volunteers, opportunities to participate in Volunteer Fairfax’s signature community-wide special events like Give Together and VolunteerFest and access to an extensive list of free nonprofit professional training.

Nonprofit organizations and agencies can get started by registering for VolunteerNow through this link.   Once registered, you will be able to share your organizations’ needs and donor opportunities with Volunteer Fairfax’s extensive network.


Learn more about the Partner membership
benefits here:

- Post your opportunities in VolunteerNow with over 5,000 active volunteers
- Receive our quarterly newsletter including the special Holiday Edition
- Free Access to Training Opportunities for Volunteer Management Professionals
- Take part in community-wide volunteer events to promote your organization's mission (VolunteerFest and Give Together)
- Celebrate your volunteers at the Volunteer Fairfax Volunteer Service Awards and access our toolkits
- Opportunities to work with local businesses on day of service events planned by our BusinessLink team

Volunteer Fairfax Quarterly Newsletter

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