Volunteer Fairfax named its newsletter “AMPLIFY” because we work every day to amplify the positive impact of volunteerism. While our primary purpose is to continually strengthen our local communities, during times of emergency we put intense focus on counteracting factors that cause our communities to suffer and we help to speed their recovery through focused volunteer efforts.
As the COVID-19 emergency continues to impact our region, its effects are amplified in many ways that negatively impact individuals, families, and communities. For example, people of all ages are feeling more isolated, lonely, or depressed during COVID-19 than under normal circumstances. The stress of the current health emergency has led to a higher need for suicide prevention. There is a higher need to help families experiencing domestic violence, which has increased since the beginning of the pandemic. Widespread job losses have added even more pressure that leads to food and housing insecurity that was unimaginable for many, and further amplifies their feeling of desperation.
These factors have created unprecedented levels of need throughout the affluent Northern Virginia region, but more so in communities that were already under greater stress, especially in communities of color. Volunteer Fairfax is amplifying impact in these communities on two fronts – to meet present critical needs and to work with community leaders to mobilize the people and organizations who are vested in their neighborhoods to stimulate long-term recovery and resilience.
This is how your support of Volunteer Fairfax, whether providing volunteer hours or donations, amplifies our impact in communities at a time it is needed most. Thank you for being our partner during the COVID-19 crisis!
By: Steve Mutty, CEO – Volunteer Fairfax