Yolanda Saenz Atkins
In his recommendation of Yolanda, Pat Herrity, Springfield District, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, noted that “working with Yolanda is a pleasure for everyone involved. She always brings a positive spirit to new initiatives as they arise. She asks sensible questions about new projects and offers constructive suggestions.”
In 2019, Yolanda volunteered 1,500 hours with the Friends of Pohick Library. Serving as President, book sale coordinator, and overall group and staff cheerleader, Yolanda made a great impact. She works with library staff on branch funding requests, library system issues, and system funding for the Fairfax County Public Library Foundation and other programs. She is also the chairperson for the FCPL Foundation Jubilee, a role she has served in the past. Her success in that role garnered Yolanda an invitation to lead this year’s effort at Chantilly Library.
Yolanda has been associated with the Friends of Pohick Reginal Library for 30 years, served as President for 15 years, and a member of the Scholarship Committee for 10 years. Yolanda helped create three Pohick Friends $2,000 Scholarships for Fairfax County Undergraduate students and helped to establish the Fairfax Library Foundation, Jubilee Planning Committee, and the Jubilee Gala.