Let’s Explore Your Options
Whatever your inspiration, Volunteer Fairfax wants to warmly congratulate you for taking this first step. Without caring and passionate community members like yourself, our region would not be the wonderful place it is to live, work and play. Now let’s explore your volunteer options…
Volunteer Fairfax works in partnership with several of the volunteer centers in the Washington, D.C., Metro region. Interested in volunteering outside of Fairfax County? Contact information is listed below for the volunteer centers in Northern Virginia, Washington D.C. and Maryland. To find a volunteer center nearest you visit Virgina’s Office on Volunteerism and Community Service or Hands On Network and enter your zip code.
What Is Your Time Worth?
Each year, the Independent Sector calculates the value of one hour of volunteer service for each state and nationwide.
If your nonprofit agency requires you to be fingerprinted, please contact the nearest Virginia State Police Division office. The closest office to Volunteer Fairfax is located at 9801 Braddock Rd., Fairfax, VA 22032-1799. A fee is required to complete this service.
Fairfax County Boards, Authorities and Commissions
Advisory bodies play a very important role in county government. If you are interested in serving on a Fairfax County board, authority, commission, or committee, visit the Fairfax County Government website.
Have an idea or resource that might be helpful to other volunteers? Please e-mail us!
General Assistance Needs
If you are seeking emergency assistance for food or shelter, please call Fairfax County’s Consolidated Services Planning line at 703-222-0880.
Government Assistance
Fairfax City: 703-385-7855
Fairfax County: 703-FAIRFAX (703-324-7329)
CommonHelp is the Commonwealth of Virginia’s fast and easy way to apply online for many Virginia social services assistance programs such as Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, Energy Assistance and Child Care.
Heating Assistance: Fairfax County residents who need help paying home heating bills or who face an emergency heating situation this winter may be able to access assistance from two federally-funded programs locally administered by the county’s Department of Family Services. The Fuel Assistance program helps eligible low-income households with the costs of heating their homes, and the Crisis Assistance program helps households in emergency situations by providing primary heat security deposits and funding the repair or replacement of heating equipment.